Today we are talking with our cover girl Nina Verkoeyen - an international spiritual leader and the author of several books that have been teaching self-awareness for more than 15 years. Nina appeared twice on the cover of Yoga Journal (Russia), New Yoga Magazine (USA), and numerous worldwide publications. She was even featured as our YOGA magazine (UK) teacher of the month in 2013.
Nina Verkoeyen is also the founder of an emerging spiritual tradition - Meta Spirituality, that supersedes old "New Age" spirituality and
whose mission is to affect the consciousness of millions of people and cause a collective graduation from living in the partial truth and fragmented knowledge of old spirituality.
— Nina, thank you for joining us for this conversation, let’s dive straight in! What is Meta Spirituality?
— Meta Spirituality is the next evolutionary rung of the enlightenment movement. It is something that was very much needed and anticipated by the collective. The time of Meta Spirituality - a renaissance of modern spirituality - has finally come.
— Why was it needed? Can you elaborate more on that?
— Everything that was once new becomes old. “New Age” spirituality becomes “Old Age” spirituality.
The spiritual tools that worked before have become outdated and inefficient ways to support you on a spiritual path.
We used intermediaries - such as visualizations, affirmations, prayers, channeling, rituals, even meditations - as a crutch. But in order to learn how to walk on our own feet we can no longer keep using the tools that helped us grow before. Our collective consciousness has evolved enough to be able to not use any intermediary between the Self and The Creator. Even the division between the two has become unnecessary.
And now, we are witnessing all across the world that people are subconsciously asking to have a direct relationship with The Creator, saying no more to the lessons of intermediaries.
Meta Spirituality doesn’t use intermediaries. There is no channeling, no belief in higher forces other than your own, no karma, no individual or separate souls, no past lives or reincarnation.
Meta Spirituality teaches you how to develop a direct relationship between you and the Creator without any intermediaries in between and to give birth to our new identity, our one shared soul, our one shared Meta self.
— Most spiritual teachers teach us about karma and reincarnation. What you are saying here is very different from what we’ve all learned about spirituality. Can you tell us more about it? How and where did you get this understanding from?
— The aim of all the teachings, teachers, practices, techniques, and methods was to lead you here to this deepest of all spiritual understandings - to The Last Truth that your heart knows.
Meta Spirituality is a culmination of all your internal studies, the end of your spiritual journey and the beginning of a completely different, extraordinary chapter in your life.
All of the other teachings and traditions supported a concept of intermediaries that we’ve now outgrown and need to get rid of. All the teachings you have learned before were stepping stones to this one Last Truth that includes everything.
In 2016 during a spontaneous experience of true enlightenment, I received information which later became the landmark work of Meta Spirituality. That experience of enlightenment divided to “before and after" my own life, just as it has become a life-changing event for the thousands of students I have since shared this knowledge with in my lectures that explain and develop the meta-spiritual relationship between Creator and human. This body of knowledge is a foundation of Meta Spirituality.
Meta Spirituality provides you with The Last Truth and how to apply it to your daily life so that you can witness improvement in all areas. It’s not abstract knowledge. The power of The Last Truth is in its application.
— Who is this tradition for?
— It is not for beginners. Meta Spirituality is for experienced spiritual seekers who've tried it all but haven't seen results.
They don't feel like they've found "home" — a piece of their puzzle is still missing.
Meta Spirituality is for those who realize that mainstream techniques like visualizations, affirmations, and meditations aren't producing the results you seek. For those who are tired of constant self-work. Whose "life lessons" never seem to end. Who wants to graduate from being a student of life to being a creator of life. For those who feel incomplete - regardless of the amount of learning they do, it always feels like something is missing.
Experienced seekers will find the missing piece in Meta Spirituality.
— What would you tell our readers?
— I would ask just one question. Are you ready to let go of intermediaries? Are you ready to develop a direct relationship with the Creator that is you? If so, then maybe Meta Spirituality is a missing piece you’ve been looking for all your life.
After all the years of fruitless searches, you have finally found your way home. Join the Meta Spirituality community, subscribe to my page on Instagram and Youtube, and let the power of Meta Spirituality transform your life.